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Disability Services On Campus
The WBU Student Disability Services office provides assistance and accommodations to students with disabilities.
Wayland is committed to providing all students with equal access to quality education. In addition to serving as an advocate for students with disabilities, our office also works closely with faculty and staff members in order to monitor students' progress and encourage a positive educational experience.
Disabilities Letter of Accommodation Procedures
Documentation Criteria
- In order to be provided accommodations through the SDS office, students must provide documentation of their particular disability. The documentation must be current (within the last three to five years) and should include the following:
- A specific diagnosis
- The medical and educational history related to the disability
- The severity of the disability
- Student's current medications or treatment of the disability
- The functional limitations as a result of the disability
- The recommended academic accommodations
- For learning disabilities, the documentation must include the diagnostician's assessment of aptitude test scores and information processing test scores. The assessment must state that the student qualifies as having a learning disability. The report should include learning accommodation recommendations from a licensed diagnostician, educational psychologist or psychiatrist.
How to Apply
- Contact SDS and provide documentation of disability or receive referral for disability testing
- With proper documentation, accommodations are discussed and approved
- Take Accommodation Request Form to professors for signatures (each semester)
- Return Accommodation Request Form to SDS
- SDS and faculty provide accommodations
Services/accommodations for students with learning disabilities may include
- Supplemental note taking assistance
- Oral test taking
- Extended time on tests and assignments within the scheduled class time
- Reduced-distraction environment for testing
- Textbooks DVD or Electronic- Must qualify for a print disability
- Register at https://www
- Breaks during the class period
- Interpretation (ex. Sign language)- Plainview Campus
- Available Tutors- Plainview Campus
Services for students with physical/mobility disabilities may include:
- Physical arrangements to ensure accessibility
- Supplemental note taking assistance
- Oral test taking
- Extended time on tests and assignments within the scheduled class time
- Reduced-distraction environment for testing
- Breaks during the class period
- Available Tutors- Plainview Campus
Services for students with psychological or chronic diseases may include:
- Supplemental note taking assistance
- Oral test taking
- Extended time on tests and assignments within the scheduled class time
- Reduced-distraction environment for testing
- Breaks during the class period
- Available Tutors- Plainview Campus
Ryiann Araujo
Disabilities Services Office
Wayland Baptist University
Van Howeling Education Complex
Room 109
1900 West 7 th
Plainview, TX 79072
Office Hours:
M-TH 8:15 AM - 5:00 PM
F 8:15 AM - 4:00 PM
Phone: 806-291-1057
Email: araujor@wbu.edu
If you are online student please check the Online Students Accessibility.