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Catholic Student Association
The purpose of CSA is to love Jesus Christ (Deuteronomy 6:5) and glorify Him in everything that we do (1 Corinthians 10:31b). Our desire is to spread the gospel of Christ throughout the world (Luke 4:18-19) by providing students with opportunities for:
• Spiritual growth based on the teachings of the Catholic Church (2 Peter 3:18a).
• Serving Wayland Baptist University, the Plainview community and the Diocese of Lubbock (Gal 5:13).
• Christian fellowship (1 John 1:3).
CSA Sponsors
Dr. Brent Lynn
Director of Multidisciplinary Tutorial Services and Professor of Writing
- Campus: Plainview, Texas
- Office: Tutorial Services
- Building: Library - Learning Resource Center
- Phone: 806-291-3672
- Email: lynnb@wbu.edu
- CMB: 1235
Office Hours:
Call for appointment
Dr. Joshua Mora
Joachim Endowed Professor of Spanish
- Campus: Plainview, Texas
- Office: School of Humanities and Leadership
- Building: Gates Hall
- Phone: (806) 291-1107
- Email: moraj@wbu.edu
- CMB: 1300