Home > Student Life > Student Activities > Student Organizations
Student Organizations
- Alpha Chi National Honor Society
- Alpha Delta Kappa
- Alpha Mu Gamma
- American Marketing Association
- Student Chapter of the American Chemical Society (SCACS)
- Baptist Student Ministries (BSM)
- Black Student Association
- Bowling Club
- Catholic Student Association
- esports
- Exercise and Sports Science Club
- Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
- Gamer's Guild
- International Choir
- Kappa Delta Pi Education Honors Society
- Kappa Upsilon Chi (KYX)
- Mathematical Association of America (MAA)
- NAfME - National Association for Music Educators
- Phi Alpha Theta
- President's Ambassadors
- Psi Chi National Honor Society
- SHRM - Society of Human Resource Management (Anchorage)
- Rotaract
- Sigma Tau Delta
- Spanish Club
- Student Alumni Council
- Student Foundation
- Student Government Association (SGA)
- Theta Alpha Kappa
- Wayland Singers
- WBUGS - Wayland Baptist University Geological Society