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Student Services Staff
Shawn Thomas
Interim Vice president of Operations and Student Life
- Campus: Plainview, Texas
- Building: McClung University Center
- Phone: 806-291-3751
- Email: shawn.thomas@wbu.edu
Nicole Adams
OVW Grant Project Director
- Campus: Plainview, Texas
- Office: Student Activities
- Building: McClung University Center
- Phone: 806-291-3752
- Email: adamsn@wbu.edu
- CMB: 1265
Office Hours:
M-TH 8:15 - 5:00
F 8:15 - 4:00
Glynn Boydston
Coordinator of Housing
- Campus: Plainview, Texas
- Office: Student Housing
- Building: McClung University Center
- Phone: 806-291-3766
- Email: boydstong@wbu.edu
- CMB: 1203
Office Hours:
M-Th: 8:15 - 5:00
F: 8:15 - 4:00
Brandy Heads
Director of Counseling Services
- Campus: Plainview, Texas
- Office: Counseling Services
- Building: McClung University Center
- Phone: 806-291-3764
- Email: headsb@wbu.edu
Coralyn Dillard
Director of Health Services
- Campus: Plainview, Texas
- Office: Health Services
- Building: McClung University Center
- Phone: 806-291-3763
- Email: dillardc@wbu.edu