PLAINVIEW – Nurses holding RN certification can soon earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree online from Wayland Baptist University in less than one year.
The RN to BSN degree program is one of 26 academic programs recently approved. Based at the university’s San Antonio campus, the Wayland School of Nursing now extends its global reach with this program, which is entirely online.
New programs in six of Wayland’s eight academic schools were approved.
A new minor in Actuarial Sciences was approved for the Kenneth L. Maddox School of Mathematics and Sciences. The school also adds programs leading to certificates in Engineering, Mathematics and Medical Science.
Five new programs were approved for the School of Business. At the graduate level, the school will offer a Master of Business Administration in Business Analytics. New bachelor’s degree-level programs include a Bachelor of Applied Science and Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Analytics and a Bachelor of Business Administration in Professional Communication. The School of Business will also offer a Business Analytics undergraduate certificate.
Three new programs were approved for the School of Christian Studies — a Master of Arts and a Bachelor of Arts in Missional Leadership, as well as a minor in Missional Leadership.
New School of Creative Arts programs include Bachelor of Applied Science in Music degrees in three areas — Worship Studies, Piano Studies, and Sound Production.
Eleven new programs were approved for the School of Languages and Literature, including four Bachelor of Arts degree specializations — English and Literature, English with Comparative Literature, English and Journalistic Writing, and English with Creative Writing. Bachelor of Applied Sciences degrees in Professional Writing and Humanities were added. Minors in American Sign Language, Comparative Literature, Journalistic Writing, Creative Writing, and Comparative Languages also received approval.
To learn more about admission to Wayland Baptist University and the academic programs offered by the university, visit
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