Student Chapter Activities
The WBU Student Chapter of SHRM is all about having fun while participating in HR activities and helping out the community! We have regular meetings once a month, hold fundraising events and do community service drives every term.
Upcoming Meetings: 2023-2024
School Year
See #5583 WBU SHRM on Facebook for details and registration
Christmas Beanie Box Drive
Every year around Christmas, the students at Wayland Baptist University donate items for Beanie Boxes. The Beanie Boxes are given to Bean's Cafe for clients there to open the day of Christmas.
Great Alaska IditaRoll Drive
Our Student Chapter holds an annual event called the Great Alaska IditaRoll Drive named after the famous Alaska Dog Sled race, the Iditarod. This drive focuses on one important thing we'd miss if we ran out: toilet paper. Every winter we go all-out to collect toilet paper to donate to the local shelter Bean's Cafe.
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Pacific West Regional Student Conference
Our graduate team puts their HR knowledge to the test and competes in the Pacific West Regional Case Competition, by collaborating with teammates to present the solution to a panel of HR-certified volunteer judges through a 15-minute oral presentation and 2-page executive written summary.
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